View the video here on Vimeo.
In my project, I sought to create a portrait of how images are archived at RISD for uploading to ArtSTOR. Through my recent scanning of old slides of cemeteries, hood ornaments, and gas stations, and Photoshopping out the dust, I found myself full of questions concerning how images are chosen for moving to digital archives, and of my own role essentially editing what is to become the stock image of that photograph. By overlaying the voice of the woman in charge of archiving with shots of the act itself, I wanted to create an open portrait of it for others.
Length was an issue in critique, though I had initially made a shorter version of the film that I had thought was more effective. When I did that, however, I asked myself why it was more effective, and I realized making it more succinct did not accurately convey the feeling of scanning images and being surrounded by the remains of the slide library for hours, and I had thought making it longer would be more truthful to the experience. In critique it was also ascertained that I should focus more on my personal interactions with the images, as opposed to making something too direct-documentary-ish and general.
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